
Monday 22 July 2019

Interpol man hunt on now. Swedish law courts, police, politicians - BIG FAIL !!!!

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SWEDEN. Article: Madelene in concrete. Now 36-year-old man is on the run. July 19, 2019 -

Following is my commentary on this situation. Note: I am a New Zealander who now lives in Lund, Sweden. I look at the Swedish situation through very New Zealand eyes.

(1) Why is the sentence only 20 months? Is a Swedish woman's life not worth more than this? He would get at least 15 years of prison time in New Zealand, no parole!!
(2) Is there some issue with his skin color perhaps? Why do judges not sentence based on the rule of law, not on the rule of fear of being criticised for being a Nazi or a racist? Crime has nothing to do with race. If you are a criminal, the sentence should be a standard one for all people living in that country. Does a native Swedish man get 20 months for killing his girlfriend? No. Of course not :-/ He would get a life sentence. So what the fuck is going on here?
(3) Why did the man not start his prison sentence immediately, as soon as he was apprehended? In NZ for such cases, incarceration begins immediately. When sentencing happens 1 year later (for example), it is recognised that 1 year has already been served.
(4) If he is an immigrant, why was he not immediately deported and put into the hands of his own government where he would serve the sentence or pay for the crime under the laws of his own country?
(5) Why did a man hunt not happen as soon as he failed to turn up to court? In NZ, there certainly would have been! The armed police would have been flying around in helicopters, roads would be blocked off, the army would be called in... All ports would have been closed! Yes! For just this one man! He is after all a very violent offender. One goal of the state is to show other such offenders that the state has muscle. If the state does not do this, other violent offenses of this type will surely follow.
(6) Who are the other 779 people who have failed to turn up for sentencing? Where is Sweden's most wanted website? Who are these people? Where were they last seen? Where is their photo image? Where is the phone number so members of the public can phone in if they see the criminal?
(7) Why is Sweden so reluctant to show an arm of force? Who is the boss here? Who makes the rules? Who passes the laws? ... because from what I am seeing here in this news article, it's definitely not the people who tax-payers have put in place and pay to stand in honesty, integrity, common sense, and in strength in the Riksdag !!!

In summary: I am absolutely 100% appalled by the cucks who put on the nice clothing and party costumes (judges, police, lawyers, politicians) who can't even get their dicks out of their hands long enough to wake the fuck up to what their compliance with criminals is doing to the country. Yes! I am that appalled !!!!!!!!  I save my colorful language for only the most deranged of situations - and this indeed is one of them!

Please see the follow up to this story here > Man fled to Thailand - July 22, 2019

Sheeesh... !!!!

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