
Thursday 4 October 2018

CONFIRMED !! Kavanaugh will be Justice! Confirmation vote Saturday Oct 6, 2018

Image source

Republican Senators EXPLOSIVE Press Conference on Brett Kavanaugh FBI report

October 4, 2018

To date, 87 days have passed to assess Judge Kavanaugh's eligibility to become a Justice of the USA Supreme Court. The allegations leveled against Kavanaugh have been found to have no factual basis, according to the FBI investigation carried out this week. Nothing incriminating about Kavanaugh has been found. Kavanaugh is an exemplary candidate.

Kavanaugh's confirmation vote is happening this Saturday Washington DC time!  #FastWalking
(hash-tags are links). The child-raping Democrats are going to go crazy !!!!!

Done !!!  It is done !!!

FISA report to be released next... Followed by the removal of Rod Rosenstein   #QAnon

Then 50,000+ Sealed Indictments currently sitting in the USA judicial system will start to be unsealed


A great day for patriots all over the world has arrived !!  

Justice is here !!

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