
Tuesday 11 September 2018

Q: We will never forgive... Never forget. Battle Stations. Memes ready 9/11. Go!

September 10, 2018

Following are my comments to Dustin on this video:

Hey Dustin. Great job! Please note re: images #Memes It's not that we've "got a short attention span". It's that our brains are wired for imagery #ScienceOfImagery  Cheers.

No, no my love... It goes back THOUSANDS of years > 

Please pay attention to the images on the next link... #Bloodline 

Please make sure you watch chatzefratz's video at the end of this link #SwissPharaohs 

Incidentally, Switzerland didn't abolish child slavery until 1989. Not a typo. That's forced labor, beating, raping, torturing, sodomizing, sacrificing, cannibalizing CHILD SLAVES !!!! Switzerland is an extremely EVIL place #BIS #DeRothschild #NinethCircleEliteSatanicCult 

Why do you think Switzerland sells itself as "neutral"? > Switzerland backed Hitler 1923 in return for a "mountain of paintings" or "mountain of art" > in German "mountain of paintings" is said: "bilderberg". Are we joining more dots together now? 

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