
Tuesday 4 September 2018

Nationalist right poised for big wins in Sweden election! Sweden's rape statistics.

(excerpt) “When we talk about about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries you associate them with social democracy,” Patrik Ă–hberg, an expert on Swedish politics from the University of Gothenburg.

“But it seems like this era is going to end now. We have become more a country like everyone else. Its bastion of social democracy now may be going to rubble. Something big is going on here.”

The main beneficiary of the centre-left’s slump has so far been the far right Sweden Democrats, who some surveys have predicted will pick up 28.5% of the vote, more than double its performance four years ago before the peak of Europe’s refugee crisis.

Dr. Steve Turley - Published on Sep 3, 2018
The Sweden Democrats look to dominate the September 9th election !!!

The following is a comment left on the above video by BronnyNZ, author of this blog. Hi Dr Steve. @3:38 you say "rapes have increased by over 10% since Sweden became a haven..." I would like to correct your 'conservative' estimate with my hard-found research on the matter.

I am an historian with a BA in Classical Studies. ie: I know how to find information and cross-check it. ie: I don't buy propaganda! I am immigrating to Sweden next month (October 2018) with my native Swedish partner of nine years. I needed to be well informed on what I was walking into before I made my final decision, so in 2016 I studied these matters with tenacity for 6 months. Please see my articles below. 

Please note that in 2010, long before the 2015 Arab-African "invasion" of Europe thanks to "Mother Merkel", the incidence of reported rapes had already risen by 250% !! This is a far-cry from the 10% that you cite, sir! Since 2014 and especially since 2015, the incidence of rape and sexual assault in Sweden will have gone off the charts! We can only know this by looking at the statistics coming out of Germany and forming an hypothesis, since Sweden stopped keeping assault and rape statistics which included racial background since around 2012. This is when an even greater spike than what was seen in 2010-2011 began... and this ongoing "spike" has continued increasing with rapacity (intentionally used) right through to this day. 

Please see my articles below and please realize exactly how horrific the rape and sexual assault figures are... and upon whom these crimes are perpetrated. ie: "target demographic for Muslim men is 10-14 year old girls, boys also for some cultures, eg: Pakistan, Afghanistan". Since I am not in the target demographic, at age 57, I decided to immigrate.

Many thanks, love from New Zealand, BronnyNZ. Articles of note here > 

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