
Friday 18 May 2018

ROYAL WEDDING SPECIAL - Rule By Bloodline? Time To Grow Up - David Icke

American, divorcee, an actress with an unstable family background... She's now a princess of the English "royal family". How could that be?

Why was Meghan Markle invited to Christmas with the royal family in Sandringham in 2017 when she wasn't even a wife yet. This is unprecidented !!!  Does Queen Elizabeth think she's this close to death, that she wanted to welcome her new daughter-in-law to be into the family traditions, as soon as possible?  Or was it for some other reason?

See this related article:

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry pawns in the hands of the #SwissPharaohs: Freemason-Illuminati Kalergi Plan (1922) forges ahead on the eve of Brexit !!

Video: ROYAL WEDDING SPECIAL - Rule By Bloodline? Time To Grow Up - David Icke

David Icke - Published on May 18, 2018

To have David's Dot Connector Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here

Please note -

16:50  Kate Middleton is related what is described as one of Britain's "grandest families" - a "commoner"

17:16  Meghan Markel is a direct descendant of King Edward III, is a distant relation to Prince Harry, the Queen, Princess Diana, the Bush family (US president), Gerald Ford (US president), Richard Nixon (US president)  - according to genology's Gary Boyd Roberts of the New England Historic Society - also, a "commoner". 

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