
Saturday 12 May 2018

Original Q mod "Baruch" interview with "Lift the veil" - Q hacked January 5, 2018

Lift the Veil - Published on May 12, 2018

BronnyNZ - I find it very interesting that Baruch observed that it was a "fake Q" who began posting on 8chan from January 5, 2018... because that is very specifically the date that I also identified that a fake Q began posting. Our old original Q (with all the amazing intel) was gone !!  Please find October 29-January 4 Q posts in Q Files on this blog. Please see May 2018 archives on this blog for many more video interviews with whistleblowers who are stepping forward disclosing "fake Q" infiltration. Thanks.


FAKE Q identified. TRUE Q until January 4, 2018. LARP possibly CIA since Jan 5.  - published March 30, 2018

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