
Sunday 20 May 2018

Message for Paul Huria, Horowhenua, Aotearoa-New Zealand

Hi Paul, I wrote to you via xtra email, but I got a "Failed" notification... So I add the content of my reply to you here. I hope you see it soon.

To Friends or Followers of Paul - If you are on Facebook or Twitter, etc and know Paul, could you please alert him to this message, and pass this link on to him. Thank you so much xx

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Hi there Paul,

I hardly ever check my PayPal since I rarely receive donations for work on my blogs... That's Ok. It's my gift to humanity :)

So you can imagine my surprise when I checked just now and found your most generous donation. I am actually a little tearful, and definitely overwhelmed.

Thank you so much! Your gift says to me that I actually am making a difference in helping people see through the games that are being played out in the world. You reflect this to me in such a tangible way.

I receive your gift, multiplied many times over in realms not seen, on behalf of thousands of people who don't have much coin to share. Thank you! You have blessed my heart so much today. You have blessed the Earth... I visualise laying my hand upon her in gratitude for love shared... Thank you my friend.

I send love to you and your family in xxxxx and scattered around Aotearoa. I hope you've been having a really great day, and a really great year - watching all of these dominos fall. Great times we live in :)


Bron - BronnyNZ

Hamilton NZ
Author: Co-creating Our New Earth blog

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