
Thursday 24 May 2018

Harvey Weinstein partner an older version of London UK pedophile Katie Forsdyke?

Why does this woman standing with Harvey Weinstein remind me so much of Hampstead Primary School head teacher Katie Forsdyke?  Ref: Hampstead Cover Up.

Image origin - video @ 4:19

Image origin - article linked below

Hampstead London England - Satanic ritual cult, Child sexual abuse

Omg. I never noticed before that Katie 
Forsdyke has nearly black eyes.


  1. It is sick to know that the Head Teacher of Christ Church Primary School Katy Forsdyke accused by the children of sexual abuse, was instrumental in working with the police to remove the children from there mother.

  2. Ok. Not sure if this is how it went down. To my knowledge, Ella was with the children right up to the time the cops came to arrest her. That was after Sabine made the children's video available to another blogger to see. Ella immediately left the county. She had no choice. So was it Forsdyke who had the children removed from their mother, or was it a series of events that forced Ella to remove herself. I'm almost interested to find out what makes you say the above. I don't think it's true. You know I was in direct Skype contact with both Sabine and Ella during this shit-storm? Maybe you didn't know that.


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