
Friday 23 March 2018

Part 3. Senior Executive Service (SES). Mind-map of video from 10:55 to end

Please see Part 1 first >
Part 1. Senior Executive Service (SES). Mind-map of video from 0:00 to 7:05

Part 2Part 4printable.

Following are the mind-maps for Part 3 from 10:55 minutes to the end. The conversation ducks around a bit. I've included here the main parts of the conversation. They start talking about the "Research tool".

Please use Ctrl + on your keyboard for an expanded screen.

This part gives specifics of who some of the bad actors are.

Here we see "Obama's cadre" and how POTUS45 is continually blocked by SES members.

This shows why Jeff Sessions is unable to act freely - blocked by SES members to the Department of Justice.

Some solutions were offered towards the end of the conversation. See them at the bottom of this screenshot.

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