
Tuesday 27 February 2018

Nunes is coming for the Democrats. FAKE RUSSIA DOSSIER will be laid bare.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes, said he will hold another Hillary Clinton allies in contempt if they fail to comply with his investigation into the Steele dossier. Last week, Nunes sent a 10-question letter to more than a dozen former and current U.S. government officials about their role in the dossier at the FBI, Justice Department, or State Department.

“They have ’til Friday to respond to this questionnaire. And what’s alarming is, that the mainstream media — the Democratic-controlled mainstream media — is not reporting on this questionnaire,” Nunes said... “So I guess they’ll be surprised when we have to issue a slew of subpoenas if these people don’t answer.”

Nunes said Clinton confidants at all three government agencies abused their power to take the dossier from former MI6 spy Christopher Steele and use it to trigger the Russia investigation. Anyone who refuses to answer his questions will be subpoenaed to testify before Congress about their role in handling or overseeing the dossier. The move will result in Clinton allies speaking on record about their knowledge of the dossier, what they did with it, and what they saw other senior officials do with it.

“The mainstream media can continue to ignore it all they want, but at some point the cameras will be on and all of these people will be hauled into Congress to answer the questions.”

Nunes said his memo details chilling abuses of power by Clinton officials to take the Democrat-funded dossier and use it to lay the groundwork for the Russia probe against President Donald Trump. Nunes said he is coming for them all, and he won’t stop until he has answers.

Read the entire article here >

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