
Tuesday 27 February 2018

Nikolas Cruz is INNOCENT #NotNikolas

I am (was) in an editing position on the Facebook group QAnon QClearance 4chan 8chan + related articles. For the last week, there's been a lot of material coming through regarding the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018.

The first posts that came through were "as read" - a young troubled man took up a gun and shot 17 people in his school. After around a week as people began to look more into the allegation against the shooter, too many dots did not join together.

This week, outright witness testimony speaking to the fact that Nicolas could not have been the gunman came to light. I decided this morning early (6am) to start a Facebook group to give Nikolas de Jesus Cruz a voice, since it's not possible for him to speak for himself currently. The group was called "Nikolas Cruz is INNOCENT #NotNikolas" as you see in the title of this article.

People began to join the group fairly rapidly, and we began posting evidence to the contrary, showing how the shooting could not have been Nikolas. In late afternoon, a notification came through from Facebook as you see below...

Along with pulling the plug on this new group for Nikolas, Facebook pulled the plug on my personal account also, "Bronwyn Llewellyn" @LillyLlew on Facebook. That's why i'm the group Administrator that (was).  It's all gone. My account i've had since August 2010 and the 3,500 Friends who had gathered around me on that account, have all gone !! 

Facebook is a lost cause. The Ministry of Truth can shut people down but the Ministry of Thought will never win. Humans are way too creative and irrepressible.

Humanity is winning !!!!

The darkest hour is 
just before the dawn.

We are in that hour...

Do not be afraid. Never bow. Never be in fear. 

Humanity is winning !!!  Please find Nikolas's new group here on MeWe.

Let's continue having this discussion. It is clearly a very important one:  Nikolas Cruz is innocent !!


It's time to regroup and restrategize. The Cabal is obviously very worried !!  Now is not the time to be disheartened or despondent.  Humanity is winning !!  Push forward. Now is not the time to surrender the ground we have so hard won.  Keep pushing. Now is not the time to give up.  - BronnyNZ

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