
Wednesday 3 January 2018

MISSING !! - Clintons, Obamas, George Soros, John Podesta - since Christmas

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Podesta, George Soros - all missing. Source

QAnon TripCode on 8chan Cracked, Verified, CBTS Board Operators
Published on January 2, 2018

This video has a small piece of information in it near the end about the criminals who will soon be arriving in GITMO. Please also see this Goldwater article, Trump Orders Deployment To Gitmo.

From 29:20 - Who are the missing people on Twitter? 

(1) Hillary Clinton - missing for over 7 days,
(2) Bill Clinton - slightly shorter than seven days,
(3) Barack Obama - an old photo was posted on their Twitter for Christmas - over 7 days,
(4) Michelle Obama - a number of days,
(5) George Soros is missing,
(6) John Podesta is missing

They are all missing on Twitter. Very odd.

qanon 8chan YouTube channel said:

"I believe they have been restrained at some level. We will find out shortly. They might be trying to get more information from them before they release all the other indictments.

"We are all waiting here with anticipation on when these indictments are going to become unsealed and people start being arrested here.

"I think that all that this QAnon has been doing is to soften the blow for every one to be able to accept the 'red pill'. A lot of people might not want to lift their head out of the sand. We won't force the red pill down anyone that doesn't want it."

#MAGA with Donald J. Trump

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