
Thursday 30 November 2017


Video: Police attacked with GRENADE | Sweden Mayhem

PeterSweden - Published on Nov 29, 2017 
Things are spiraling out of control in Sweden.  

A hand grenade detonated at the police station in Uppsala - directed at the police

Published in Fria Tider on November 28, 2017
Translated by Google Translate
Edited by BronnyNZ

LOCAL It was a sharp hand grenade thrown against and detonated at the police station [or thrown at a police car] in Uppsala just after 23:00 on Monday. The police now confirm this on their website. According to sources of TT, the grenade was thrown to target the police but bounced in a contact line or against a post.

It was late last night that a powerful explosion occurred at the Polish bus station in Uppsala. The detonation occurred close to two police officers, who managed to get away without injury.

Now, the technical survey shows that there was probably a sharp hand grenade that exploded.

"The technical investigation has ended at the crime scene and it is noted that there is a lot of evidence that it is a hand grenade as detonated," the police writes in an update on their website on Tuesday night.

During the day, the police have taken several investigative measures. Among other things, there has been a large number of interrogations, door closure in the area and technical investigations of the crime scene and seizures.

During the evening and night, the police will be in the area for the purpose of creating security for residents.

The government still believes it is a retaliation against the police.

"The police are early in the investigation and are working on several theories about how the crime has been committed. At present, much indicates that the attack was directed at the police and a retaliation for recent police efforts in Uppsala," he writes.

Last week, the police carried out a major effort in the suburbs of Gottsunda and Valsätra. Therefore, the police believe that the bombing during the night may be a retaliation from criminal suburbs.

A 20-year-old man has been arrested for involvement in attempted murder and common willful destruction. He is reasonably suspicious but denies crimes.

Sources of TT say that the hand grenade was "obviously thrown at the police" but bounced off a power line or post and instead landed on a lane.

The attack is classified as a special event and the police have entered the stab mode. The police are now guarded by heavily armed police.

The police are very keen to get more tips about the explosion. Tips and information can be provided to the police via telephone number 114 14.

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