
Wednesday 8 November 2017

Arrested and detained, deals cut, butts covered, fingers pointed. Clinton END near.

Video: Tony Podesta Makes Deal After Arrest, John Podesta Grounded, Hillary Clinton Sealed Indictment

Published on Nov 7, 2017
Has Tony Podesta made a deal with the Feds? Who grounded John Podesta's plane? What about the sealed indictments and Hillary Clinton?

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The article is re-copied below purely because I don't see a language translator on April LaJune's website, and 50% of my readers don't speak English. This is a way for them to obtain this information.  Here it is
by April LaJune

12 sealed indictments - charges
So yesterday, the docket in the District Court of DC had 12 sealed indictments. For those of you who want to split hairs pretending like indictments aren’t charges, I’ll say this to you, you’re part of the problem, can’t read the dictionary and are unable to use a thesaurus.

4chan and Q Clearance Patriot
That being said, some people think 4chan isn’t a source, but in reality, if you know what you’re reading it’s a wealth of information. The person posting as Q Clearance is the source of that information and we think we’ve figured out exactly who this person is. I’m not going to tell you who we believe this person is, but if it is who we think it is, the source is more than just “credible” - has the highest level security clearance and because of the position this person is in. It would be better to get information out this way than going to the media or using social media.

Tony Podesta is in custody
So far, what is being said is Tony Podesta is in custody and is going to be striking a deal, most likely for some sort of intelligence on Hillary Clinton. James Brower says there’s some sort of immunity deal going on here [hope not - maybe just let him escape the electric chair]. Since Tony is one of the mentioned sources in the Wikileaks Podesta Emails, we know plenty about this guy including his pedophile artwork which has been featured in Washington DC magazines.

John Podesta's plane grounded - Passports revoked
We also know a military escort grounded John Podesta’s plane and revoked both Tony and John’s passports. This is big. Especially since John was already flying to an undisclosed destination at the time.

James Alefantis and the Podesta brothers
We also linked the Podestas to James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong, ex boyfriend of David Brock – hard core Clinton supporter and founder of Media Matters – political propaganda machine and is also mentioned in the Podesta emails. Alefantis is the person who has been named as the supplier of children to the pedophile ring and further investigations show he is still operating in Washington DC under the cover of the Democrats.

Alefantis - Ineffectual interview by Megyn Kelly
If you remember, Megyn Kelly interviewed this pedo pusher on her show without doing any research on him. She failed to show the video of the bands who have pedophilia references in their songs, on their albums and when you see the flash of light on the walls when they’re on stage in the supposed Pizza restaurant, you can identify the disgusting paintings in the background.

Comet Ping Pong shooter
Kelly was interviewing him because a guy supposedly mad about the pedophile scandal shot at the restaurant, conveniently hitting the only computer in the entire place that would have had evidence of the child pornography which we believe he had on his computer.

Pedophilia, Saudi Arabia, Clinton, Obama, Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, Haiti, child trafficking
In this circle you’ve got Tony, proud of his pedophile artwork, John, his brother who has pedophile references all over Wikileaks in his emails. Then we’ve got Disney references in the 4chan threads that are exposing the “cover words” used for Saudi Arabia, Hillary Clinton and Obama as well as countries that are all involved in the Uranium One scandal who clearly donated to the Clinton Foundation which is also linked to both stolen money from Haiti and disappearing children.

14 Saudi princes arrested - shareholders of Twitter, Mandalay Bay hotel, trafficking, pedophiles
And over the weekend 14 Saudi Arabian princes were arrested, also connected to Twitter, Fox News and contributed to the Clinton Foundation. They are invested in Mandalay Bay. The face of the arrests say “money laundering” but the back channels are saying the reality of the arrests are about human sex trafficking including trafficking children. I did a story back in 2016 about the Washington Pedophile ring and how these princes have been arrested for pedophilia in various places around the world. Do your research people. I’m tired of doing it for you. Don’t let the main stream media puppet news factory tell you what’s going on – do the research.

Follow the trail
If you go to my blog at and just do a search for the pizzagate story, you’ll be able to follow the dots and connect them yourself. It’s a blatant trail that’s been left by Democrats who tried to influence the election using corruption and lies. The exact reason we voted for President Trump and gave Hillary Clinton and her cronies the boot.

Saudi Arabians, Obama and Hillary connections
These Saudi’s that were arrested over the weekend are closely tied to Obama and Hillary. The evidence of the connection is clear - just follow the money.

Donna Brazille
This brings us to the events which are unfolding now which include Donna Brazille trying to cover her own butt by spilling the beans on the Democratic party and how really corrupt they are. Make no mistake, Donna’s book is only about money and trying to ensure she doesn’t go to prison with the rest of those in the round up, including the sealed 12 indictments we saw yesterday.

The Democrats know what went down
Hillary Clinton has been strangely silent and the Democrats are coming out condemning Donna Brazille for exposing them. Don’t think for one second people like Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and that wacko Maxine Waters and her wig wearing cowboy hat toting partner Fredrica Wilson, don’t know about all this crime. They do. They have and they’re trying to distance themselves on the issue.

Hey Maxine and Fredricka – why aren’t you calling for the removal of all your cronies now? You’re racist bigoted actions have caught you with your wigs off and now you look the fools we know you are.

Antifa and other distractions. The big story: How Hillary Clinton and her circle are going down.
Democrats and liberals are following the agenda. Read it on 4chan about how they’re staging their marches, who’s involved in Antifa and you’ll see this is all smoke and mirrors to distract from the real target which is Hillary Clinton and her closest circle.

Donald Trump's strategy
President Trump is very good. He’s very smart. He knows exactly what’s going on here and is using a military strategy to trap the enemy. You surround them and take down their walls and then they have nowhere to go. We’re seeing this play out and I am telling you right now, this strategy isn’t some quick plan which was just thought up last week. This is a plan President Trump has had since before he was inaugurated.

Time for readers to pick up their research
I’ve posted the 4chan thread on my website which has a link below and as some of you aren’t used to having a journalist deliver actual things for you to read, I’ve provided the links in every story and told you where to find the information so you can determine for yourself what is true and what you believe.

Get used to 4chan
You have to understand how 4chan works and you will see the responses of Q Clearance are woven between other posts. The information is all there just like it was in the Anthony Weiner take down, just as it told us about how hackers were going to help us with making sure the DNC weren’t able to rig our votes, forcing paper ballots, and how this whole Russian collusion story was to play at.

James Brower, Thomas Paine and Laura Loomer
Look at the posts of James Brower and Thomas Paine. They’re supposedly hooked up with Q Clearance. Look at Laura Loomer. These people have been digging and digging and it’s time to wake up. The chips are falling and we the people are winning.

4chan verifiable. Anonymous. The Clinton body count.
The information has proven to be solid. However, as with any report of this magnitude, people must remain anonymous for their own safety. If you don’t believe that, you need to look at the Clinton body count and how conveniently witnesses are murdered or commit impossible suicides.

There are too many bodies piling up and too many times these people have gotten away with crimes.

The end of the Clintons
I believe this just might be the real end to a long legacy of crime perpetrated by the Clinton Crime Syndicate.

- April LaJune
November 7, 2017

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