
Wednesday 22 November 2017

Sweden 2008 - CHILD BRIDES !! Muslim school girls married off over summer.

May 2017 image. Caption: In Finland and Sweden Muslim men are raping 12 to 14 year old girls and making them "their wives" - The Leftists want to implement a law where its legal to marry at 12. WTF! - on Reddit.

To Guy...  I am posting this here since Facebook has blocked the "Expressen" website. This blocking is all about the new Google-Soros-Snopes censorship shit-storm that was announced on November 19, 2017... so I had to write a blog post rather than post you the information directly !!!!!!!  That's how dumbed down Facebook is expecting everybody to be!  *Grrrrrrrr....*

Message to Guy continuing...  Hell !! The Swedes were even talking about the underage Muslim girl marriage IN SWEDEN (inside Sweden) back in 2008 - and your "friends" never heard about it ?? Where the fuck have your Swedish friends been living? ... under a fucking rock?

On the personal front - Yeah, i'm talking to you Guy - If you're going to contend a certain thing for a foreign country - even for a country in the EU - you'd better get yourself schooled up with how to search for their information in their own language, by using Google Translate or some other mechanism. Read this and weep...  I've left the article in its original format so you can see the sidebar as well.

Published in Expressen, Sweden
- May 20, 2008
Translated by Google

Malmö. After the summer promise, some minor [young] girls in southern Sweden [30% Muslims population in the south] will return to school - as married. Without society being able to do anything."I want it to be punishable for parents to allow marriage for underage children," said Malmö lawyer Monica Nebelius who questioned the government's question.

Today, police, school and social workers cannot do anything about it, explains Monica Nebelius, counselor at Malmö District Court, which is behind the new bill on forced marriages and trafficking in human beings presented to Justice Minister Beatrice Ask. 
"Today, parents must commit a crime that is punishable.We expand what is criminalized. It's enough to allow the child to go away, says Monica Nebelius. 
Parents who threaten the child, battling or paying for marrying a minor daughter can thus be penalized already today. 

Important knowledge

"But if the child comes and says," I'm getting married every now and then, "then it's hard to do something, says Monica Nebelius. 
The change of laws, if it goes through, is valid from 1 July next year.
But Nebelius is not just a matter of lagging, but also knowledge of school, social services, police and courts. 
"Today, socially calls for a meeting with the school and says," Now let's decide if we will move on. " But the thief should not be the one who gets the bang. That responsibility can not be put on a child, she says. 
Today, knowledge is varied depending on where you live in the country. 
"There are far too big differences. We want to lift the education bit, "says Nebelius. 

Difficult with evidence

The police Anna Gustafsson in Malmö, head of the family violence unit in Malmö, is the one who investigates the forced marriage in practice. She is basically positive about changes in law. 
- Children should not be married! All steps taken in that direction are good, she says.
But in reality, the problem is not the text without: the evidence. 
"We must be able to show that the child's gifts are gone, that the marriage is valid. For the police, proof is the hard bit, and it will continue to be, says Anna Gustafsson. 
- The reason for investigating crime in close relationships is the interrogation. The crime occurs in the circle where people are not supposed to see. We are trying to improve the environment so that women and children can tell you in a good way. 
In general, she does not believe that the law becomes effective at all, at least not in the short term. 
- It is necessary to follow the Swedish debate. The problem is that many of these parents do not.

Espressen, Sweden
In translation

Sidebar. FACTS: Here's how a marriage marriage can look

The girl who returns after the summer holidays - as married. In the Arab group, the girl can be from 14 years of age, in the Roma group as young as twelve years. If the husband lives in Malmö, the young girl becomes responsible for a household and is separated from the parents. If the man lives abroad and has to apply for a residence permit in Sweden, she stays with the family and finishes her schooling. 

The girl who wants to get married.Teenage girl happy to marry her. The oldest in the siblings, confined, responsible for five to six seven little sisters, the prospect of moving to their own apartment can be attractive. At least until their own children come. 

The girl worried about the summer.The girl is looking for a curator or school nurse, the teachers notice that she is sad. The family will go to the old country during the summer holidays. What will happen? She suspects that marriages are in progress but nothing is said clearly.What rules apply, what can she require? 

The handicapped boy. A young boy with a slight mental disability has a low status and risks getting into the marriage market. Therefore it is 
important to marry him early. The boy presents into a familiar family who lives any other European country, never met the boy and does not know his handicap. 

The gay boy. If the family thinks the son is gay, it may be a good idea to marry him quickly so as not to harm the family's honor. Source: School staff in Skåne. The story is indicative and is not about five specific people. 

For more about this issue and many other immigrant and asylum-seeker issues in Sweden please join this Sweden Europe Immigration Crisis English language Facebook group. Thanks.

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