
Sunday 18 December 2016

Obama's birth certificate IS FAKE !! Dec 15, 2016 news conference Arizona USA.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio listens to a video presentation of the findings from a five-year investigation into the authenticity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate during a press conference Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016, in Phoenix. Arpaio closed his yearslong investigation Thursday, ending a chapter that critics denounced as a shameless ploy to raise money from his right-wing base. Photo: Ross D. Franklin, AP / Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Article  (as follows). Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio listens to a video presentation of the findings from a five-year investigation into the authenticity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate during a press conference Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016, in Phoenix. This is the completion of Sheriff Arpaio's investigation.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio closes probe of Obama birth certificate

by Jacques Billeaud, Associated Press  (excerpts)
Friday, December 16, 2016

"We and anyone else who dared to question the document have been maligned, falsely labeled and grossly criticized," Arpaio said, refusing to take questions from reporters.

The sheriff won praise several months later in a tweet from Trump: "Congratulations to @RealSheriffJoe on his successful Cold Case Posse investigation which claims @BarackObama's 'birth certificate' is fake."

In 2012, Arpaio said the investigation revealed that there was probable cause to believe Obama's long-form birth certificate was a computer-generated forgery and that the selective service card completed by Obama in 1980 was likely a fraud.

(1)  This article was written to refute Sheriff Joe Arpaio's and expert forensic scientists' claims and findings  #FakeNews  To see the full refutal by the Associated Press and their reporter Jacques Billeaud, please see the whole article. (linked on the headline)
(2)  Two videos are linked through images on this article. Google has censored and blocked alleged "fake news" videos from being linked on Google products such as "Blogger". Please click on the images and you will be redirected to the correct YouTube videos.

Video: Sheriff Joe Arpaio: 
Obama’s Birth Certificate is Forgery Press Conference 12/15/16

Published on Dec 15, 2016

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference in Phoenix on Thursday afternoon (December 15, 2016) where he announced after a five year investigation his investigators have determined that the birth certificate presented by President Barack Obama was a fraudulently created document which has been represented as an official copy of the original certificate. The Sheriff’s office said they have been working this case since August 2011 after the Tea Party asked him to investigate.

“We had to follow the evidence,” Arpaio said during the press briefing. The lead investigator, Mike Zullo, presented a video which claimed to show the Obama birth certificate shows “9 points of forgery”. He says they consulted several experts from all across the world including in Italy. We will post the video here as soon as we get it. In the meantime, you can watch the press conference live.

The investigators took aim at the media for the way they have characterized their investigation. “You have continued to mischaracterized this. This was not about where President Obama was born. This was about his birth certificate,” said the Maricopa County public information officer.

“I didn’t want to be the guy that figured everything out, I wanted it to be the clearinghouse,” Zullo said during the press briefing.

84-year-old Arpaio lost his re-election bid in November to the Democratic contender. The sheriff is among the last high-profile “birthers” left, who question whether the President was born in the United States.  - Jacques Billeaud

Bronny NZ:  The middle video evidence is only 8 minutes long. It's like watching paint dry, but the video is at the heart of this investigation.  #BarackObama #FakeBirthCertificate #USAcorruption #Pizzagate  #MSMFakeNews

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BREAKING - Obama Admits in COURT - BIRTH Certificate IS FAKE

Published on Dec 14, 2016
This is now a done deal. With verifiable proof already established months ago, we now have the Obama team Admitting in court the Birth certificate is in FACT fake.

Bronny NZ:  The CBS news clip is from 2012.

Video: Sheriff Arpaio Proves Obama Birth Certificate Forged - on InfoWars

Published on Dec 15, 2016
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference where he laid out evidence that he says proves the Obama birth certificate is forged.

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