
Thursday 17 November 2016

We UnDo the Babylonian Satanic magic - Pedophiles John Podesta, Hillary Clinton.


This video-maker "Reis-i Cumhur Videolarım" counters the Babylonian magic by holding his hands up also, using "this universal template to spread KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, LIGHT AND LOVE."

Powerful stuff !!!

See this article also >>

Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta - SATANIST PEDOPHILES !!!!

Video:  De-Coding The Meaning On Podesta's Hands

Published on Nov 8, 2016
Excellent explanations by Reis-i Cumhur Videolarım

1 comment:

  1. sadly this video has been deleted... I would like to know the babylonian magick so that I could prevent the solstice baby sacrifice here in Denver, CO where I live - the illuminati council of the 13 come here and practice this magick on the 104th ley line - I have 8 more days...


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