
Wednesday 8 June 2016

Michael Tellinger update: SA municipal elections, August 2, 2016

Final moments registering UBUNTU Party candidates 2016 Elections

Published on Jun 2, 2016

Michael Tellinger shares the final moments of excitement while uploading the last of the UBUNTU Party candidates in the South African municipal elections scheduled for 3 August 2016.
UBUNTU Party will be contesting 11 municipalities.


UBUNTU Party South Africa makes registration deadline in 13 municipalities.

Hello everybody,

I am overjoyed to report that the UBUNTU party will stand in 13 Municipalities on the 3rd August 2016, represented by over 50 candidates. I am also more optimistic than ever before that we can realistically win an outright MAJORITY in at least one of these areas. Below is a video clip from the final moments of registration before cut-off time. Click on the link to viewVIDEO:

The municipalities are:

Port Elizabeth
Cape Town
Bela Bela
Saldanha Bay
Albert Luthuli

Last week was undoubtedly one of the most stressful and tiring weeks of my life, knowing that we had a limited time and a cut-off deadline at 5pm on the 2nd of June, to submit and register all the candidates and municipalities.

The candidate registration process was delivered both manually in 3 municipalities and submitted online for the rest by myself and one assistant - using one laptop on the road. It was an unimaginable exercise in patience and emotional stability as this required the emailing and scanning back and forth of hundreds of pages, forms, ID documents and signatures. I was also acutely aware that if we did not pull this off, I would be letting down thousands if not millions of people who are watching our progress and who want to participate in our success. Eleven years of work on the UBUNTU - Contributionism plan of action has been focused into this moment. To date we have driven 4300 kilometres and will complete over 5000 km by the time I get back home tomorrow. Then the campaign work really begins.

I extend a great big thank you to all the amazing people from all over South Africa that rallied to support me in this stressful part of the preparation for the elections. Especially all those who joined up as candidates in the registered towns and those who wanted to stand in so many other towns as well.

A further word of deep gratitude to all those who continue supporting us with donations to make this campaign possible.

I apologize sincerely to all those who feel disappointed that we did not reach them or include them on the election list - there was simply not enough time and resources to reach everyone. Let us throw all our support behind the towns that we are represented in, and let us create that ONE big surprise that will start the domino effect around the world. Tell everyone - share the news and call all your friends in the registered towns to tell them about UBUNTU participation.

We have 2 months, until 3 August 2016 to campaign as actively as we can to be seen by as many people as possible. It is NOW that we will need all the support we can get - emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially, as we start to really plant the seeds of consciousness into the political beast.

Continued Funding Required URGENTLY: 

I am aware that some people are finding my continued request for funding somewhat irritating - the reality is that if we do not have ongoing funding, our campaign will simply grind to a halt. This is a blanket call for continued financial support - especially from all those closet millionaires who want to help the world - this would be a good time to come out of hiding. As I write this email, we have less that $2000 left for two months of campaigning. I am aware that you may be someone that has already donated to UBUNTU - this is not meant for you, but for all those that wanted to contribute but simply have not got down to it. If every South African supporter contributes R100 or $10 - we will have more than enough funding to run a very successful campaign. I need to print more banners, flyers, t-shirts and candidates expenses. Please share this with those who resonate with our message and may be in a position to contribute. 

Go to our DONATE page on the website to make a contribution.

I will keep you updated with progress from the campaigns around SA - as the ANC and DA members rapidly join UBUNTU in search of a brighter future. 

In love, resonance and unity
Michael Tellinger


Introduction to Ubuntu Contributionism here >>

Regular news updates from the Ubuntu Party, South Africa here >>

Make a $10 donation to the Ubuntu Party, South Africa here >>

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