
Sunday 29 May 2016

New Zealand's corrupt stock broker Prime Minister, John Key


This sounds exactly like New Zealand. The only change in text we'd need to make is: We're giving tax breaks to the millionaires !!  Corrupt government dealings right down the line !!

Thanks Prime Minister John Key! I hope all your friends at the Federal Reserve Bank (privately owned) in New York where you were a financial adviser 1999-2001 are very happy with your little performance here in NZ to date !! How can the people of NZ not see that having a former NZ FOREX trader (1985) and Merrill Lynch London stockbroker as our Prime Minister, would lead to all kinds of shit !! ??? Our country is now in the doo-doo well up over our heads. Ref: NZ$17 billion in international debt in August 2008 (under a Labour government), compare with NZ$118 billion in international debt in May 2016 (under a National government) - and we're still loaning more !!!??? Hahahahahaha !!!! How the hell did all this happen, John Key ?? Are you giving out more tax breaks to your rich mates again while working families in Auckland live in cars and garden sheds, because the cost of housing is now so freaking disproportionate to wages ?? You've got to be kidding, right? Where were YOU for the last 5 years while the rest of the country was telling you to do something, even way back then !! Frickin' sociopath !! :-/

2014 article in the NZ Herald says: "Key will not divulge how much he did earn at Merrill Lynch but will give a good hint. When he came home, after six or seven years at the top of international currency trading, the National Business Review put him on its rich list with an estimated personal wealth of $50 million."

Yeah... You didn't do Ireland any favours either, did you buddy?

*bastard* !!

John key forex trader

Published on Jun 22, 2013
From a 1980s documentary.

John Key EXPOSED Share with everyone!

Published on Nov 11, 2011
These are the missing pieces in John Key's banker past reveled. For the first time on radio, deep researcher Iain Parker reveals quotes from bankers at the highest levels. The entire banking system and worlds economy is based on fraud.

Copy of john key2
Image -  John Key: "Head of global foreign exchange for investment, Merrill Lynch." - Iain Parker video @ 2:30 

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