
Sunday 7 February 2016

Tory Smith... On SATANIC child sexual abuse, interventions & arrests

This is a most interesting man...

Here's his YouTube channel >>  here

Galactic Connection: Cleansing and Clearing of The Whole Galaxy is Underway!, February 3, 2015

Tory Smith
Show Headline: 
Galactic Connection: Cleansing and Clearing of The Whole Galaxy is Underway!
Show Sub Headline: 
Guest, Tory Smith

Guest, Tory Smith

Guest Name: 
Tory Smith

Tory Smith

Guest Occupation: 
Healer and Survivor
Guest Biography: 
Tory Smith is a planetary healer who seeks Justice to help bring child trafficking to an end once and for all.  His determination and commitment to assist the young and oppressed has opened him up to dealing with some of the darkest beings out there. Because of this experience, his healing sessions are so effective that he has successfully helped the dramatic decline in the number of children being sacrificed.

- See more at:

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