
Thursday 18 February 2016

FREE WORKSHOPS: Michael Tellinger, UBUNTU movement, South Africa.

Please Share this information TODAY  : )

Michael Tellinger put this notification up on his Facebook timeline only 23 hours ago. It's also up on the Ubuntu Party website, posted yesterday. I'm sure Michael has done other promotion for these workshops as well, but as Facebook is such a powerful tool, let's use the "tool" and help Michael get this information out.

Let's make a 'determination' to ABSOLUTELY get this word out to the entire population of South Africa, as best we can. People will travel far to go and see him, but first they have to hear about these events. That's where WE come in. You never know who knows who... so the idea is just to keep sharing, keep sharing... and then the information will end up wherever it is "meant to be", through our collective effort.

Obviously, please use any other tools (flyers, posters, phone trees and txt mssgs locally) as a means of telling other people about these workshops as well.  We can help Michael to bring in the crowds and make his workshops next week an incredible success. Let's get behind Michael and assist him by pulling off an incredible PROMOTIONS effort...

It needs all of us.
It is only TOGETHER that we are able to Co-create incredible nation-wide and world-wide CHANGE!

Photo: Michael Tellinger with South African community leader and founder of the  Mpho Ralengole who joined forces with Michael in January 2016 to forward the message of the Ubuntu Party SA throughout South Africa and the world.

Photo source:
Michael's Facebook photos

Michael's workshops are FREE...  Anything "Ubuntu" is not about money and never was, so the Workshops are highly accessible for EVERYONE!  Please Share this information to your Facebook Groups (where you have much larger audiences compared to your own timeline), and please directly Share and PM (private message) this information to your Facebook Friends.  Particularly, please Share this information (this link and Michael's links) to Facebook Groups with a large South African membership (including SA music, gardening, animal-lovers, social change Groups of all kinds) and especially Share or PM any of your Facebook Friends who live in any of these South African cities/towns or near to them.

Thank you all...  

TOGETHER we are changing the world right now 

- by taking action.  

TAKE ACTION and BE the CHANGE   : ) 

Here's Michael's Facebook post dated: Feb 18, 2015 

"UBUNTU Workshops In The Western Cape"

- - -  Hermanus, Cape Town and Bredasdorp

I will be running the first intensive UBUNTU Party workshops in three Western Cape towns on the 24th, 25th and 27th February 2016.  Everyone is welcome - there is no fee to attend.

These workshops are highly enlightening and inspirational and cover a full history of banking, origins of money, the UBUNTU philosophy of cooperation and our simple plan of action for the 2016 Local Municipal Elections.

The workshops are aimed not only at prospective representatives and candidates, but also at everyone who resonates with our message and wants to learn more about the UBUNTU Party and our plan of action to create abundance and prosperity for all.

I will cover some of the key points in our manifesto such as:

>> Free Electricity for every town and community - and how we can achieve it
>> Initiating diverse community projects and the creation of abundance
>> Turning our hospitals into true healing centres
>> Setting our scientists and inventors free
>> Dramatic stimulation of arts and cultural activities
>> The minority rule principle - how does that benefit our communities?
>> How to turn every small town into a powerful labour force owned by the people and not corporations or the government

Workshop locations 25th-27th February 2016

>>  ie: we need to get this info out FAST !!   : )   - Today !!  Right NOW !!   : )

(1)  Hermanus: Wednesday 25th Feb 2016.
Time: arrive 6 for 6:30
Venue to be announced.

(2)  Cape Town: Thursday 26th Feb. 
Time: arrive 6 for 6:30 
Venue: Novalis Ubuntu Institute, 39 Rosmead Ave., (between Ottery and Wetton Rd), Wynberg.

(3)  Bredasdorp: Saturday 27 Feb 2016 
Time: arrive 11:30 for 12 noon 
Venue to be announced.

No booking is needed - just bring yourself and your friends that want to be part of the 
true transformation of South Africa. I look forward to see you there. 

               - Michael Tellinger


... And i'm sure any donations will be gratefully received as venues usually come with a "hire fee" - so please offer Michael and Louise some rand on the day, or if you are not able to attend or if you live outside of South Africa, please go to the Donate page on the Ubuntu Liberation Movement website.  Thank you.  

Wherever we are in the world, we can all assist...  eg:  I'm in New Zealand not South Africa. We can ALL do something to assist - through our efforts or by contributing financially from the job that gives us an income. Financial assistance on the Ubuntu Liberation Movement website starts from as little as US$3 per month. The internet has brought us together as a Global Family.

Here's my CONTRIBUTION for example: I have no money (I live under the poverty line) but I do have a blog with around 500 visitors coming to look at my posts every day. Therefore, I gladly CONTRIBUTE many hours for Michael's causes (and other people's causes) by writing articles such as this. This entire article has taken me around 3.5 hours to research, to find and add the links onto, to find a great photo, to type up and to edit... and re-edit... and re-edit... so my CONTRIBUTION to the UBUNTU cause today to help with the Promotion of these workshops has a monetary value of around US$150 or more... but i'm not at all worried about that. I am motivated purely by the desire to "Be the Change I want to SEE" - Mahatma Ghandhi...  And for me, Michael Tellinger has the message for humanity about the world that "I WANT TO SEE".  So I support him fully... in whatever way I can.

So... All each of us need to do is just get a little creative:  Think about what you DOWHO you are (as a creative human being), where you GO and who you ASSOCIATE with already, and something will come to you about how you can CONTRIBUTE the very best of yourself for the Ubuntu cause... for the cause of Liberating Humanity from the debt-slavery system we are currently living under.

What is it that you do?  : )  What is it that you enjoy?  What are your talents, gifts and abilities?
- Then this is likely what you can best offer. This is your CONTRIBUTION  : )  eg:

>>  from taking photos or video to writing poetry, music or songs
>>  from creating posters and fliers and distributing these with your Friends through online networking
>>  from talking to your neighbours and the woman or man you meet at the grocery store this week (maybe the checkout operator or the shelf-stacker), to doing promotional blitzes on Social Media - Facebook and elsewhere, of this post, any promotional posters you see and Michael's links I have put up here for you to use right away.

We ALL need to find out where we fit in, and become a part of this rapidly-moving Global Awakening and CHANGE !!  

We ARE the CHANGE.  BE That   : )

"The only way to Create the CHANGE is to BE the CHANGE."

Thank you all.
Please feel free to leave a Comment below and tell us what you are doing. This will encourage us all.

- And if you simply want to copy-paste this entire blog post and add it to YOUR blog or other online outlet, please do so.  A reference back to this blog post is appreciated so that any of your readers can get in touch with me if they want to...  I have a direct line to Michael should any urgent issues need to be addressed.

Much love
Bronny NZ

Published on Sep 22, 2013
by Michael Tellinger YouTube channel

Michael Tellinger shares an extract from his full 2-hour presentation at the Global Breakthrough Energy (BEM) Conference in Holland during November 2012. This is part of his continued research into the origins of humankind, the vanished civilisations of southern Africa, origins of money, fraudulent corporate governments and the banksters that control them.
"Let us move from a money-driven society to self governing global communities driven by people and their passion for life and their god-given talents to create a world of abundance for all - - free from any restriction or hurdles to achieve what we want to achieve. 

"We live on a planet of abundance. Let us discard the philosophy of scarcity which only benefits the few. Let us reclaim our planet, a world of abundance on all levels of our human endeavour. It is much easier than most will ever imagine. We are the 99 percent - - the planet does not belong to the governments, corporations or the banksters. Let us take her back."

Join the UBUNTU movement wherever you are and let us share the message of hope and become seeds of consciousness to fill the hearts of everyone with love for all of creation."

Love and Light
Michael of the family Tellinger

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