
Thursday 7 January 2016

PRINT and DISTRIBUTE. Hampstead Satanic child sexual abuse cult.

This artwork was created by a supporter of the Gareeva family. Here's the location and the artist's message to us:  "It's at Milton Keynes (North of London, not far) bus and train station. Legal wall. Thousands of leaflets distributed now. Many more to flow..."

>> Please dig in deep and give up some of your time and money to bring this very serious issue to YOUR community. Thank you.

Please copy-paste the following onto a Word doc. This text is for an A4 poster.  A5 flyer following (see Archives).  Thank you SO MUCH for helping to create awareness of what is going on at the grassroots level for people in the UK.  These RATS MUST be flushed out... This plague, this scourge, and everything to do with it MUST be burned in the fires of PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. The ONLY way this is going to happen in England/ the UK is for YOU to take action.  Thank you. 


Please be aware of the Hampstead 2 whistle-blower children,
then 8 and 9yrs old in  September 2014.

         Royal Courts of Justice London. A cover up of systematic sexual abuse of these two children. Their mother felt her life to be at threat so has fled the country to be in a safe place to attack this system. 

         We need to make people aware and vigilant so this corruption within institutions can be cleansed.

         The brother and sister have given extensive testimonies regarding places and people involved in North London. Police interviews are uploaded to the internet, which we must now see as a blessing as sad as the situation is.

         The plan is to make as many people in the world aware and confident with the knowledge of who is telling the truth: The children!

        There are many false account names on Facebook and YouTube, trolling to cause confusion and delusion. They try to suggest that they/others are uncovering truth, but it seems the child abusers are throwing accusations back and forth to confuse an unsuspecting public, and to cause distraction.

         Please – Look at ‘Hampstead cover up child abuse’ on YouTube and Facebook Google with an open mind.

Please don’t be fooled by shallow press comments. Look deeper. 

Share with as many as you can. Thank you so much

This artwork was created by a supporter of the Gareeva family. Here's the location and the artist's message to us:  "It's at Milton Keynes (North of London, not far) bus and train station. Legal wall. Thousands of leaflets distributed now. Many more to flow..."

>> Please dig in deep and give up some time of your time and money to bring this very serious issue to YOUR community. Thank you. - JC and BL

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