
Thursday 8 October 2015

Putin achieves in a week what NATO have "attempted" for four years !!

Eradicating ISIS: Russia Unleashes Cruise Missiles, Causes Terrorist Exodus and Now Iraq Wants Help


21st Century Wire says…

Putin is continuing to mop up the mess left behind by the West’s interference in Syria with immense success.

Watch a video of this report here:

ERADICATION: Russia Unleashes Cruise Missiles & Causes Terror Exodus  

Published on Oct 7, 2015
Putin continues mopping up the West's mess in Syria!

On Monday, we had the pleasure of bringing you a report detailing the long overdue obliteration of ISIS by Russian airstrikes in coordination with Assad’s government in Damascus. In that report we heard from Russian Lt. General Andrei Kartapolov, who said that Russia was not only going to continue their airstrikes but also increase their intensity to eradicate ISIS once and for all.

Russia has made good on that promise and the Russian Defence Ministry has just announced the launch of cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea targeting ISIS positions in Syria.

The Ministry said: “Last night the ship strike group of the Russian Navy, consisting of the Dagestan missile ship, the small-sized missile ships Grad Sviyazhsk, Uglich and Veliky Ustyug launched cruise missiles against ISIS infrastructural facilities in Syria from the assigned district of the Caspian Sea“.

They attacks were conducted with “high-precision ship missile systems Kalibr NK, the cruise missiles of which engaged all the assigned targets successfully and with high accuracy“, which is a far cry from NATO actions last week in Afghanistan when they managed to kill numerous innocents by dropping a bomb through the roof of a hospital

The war weary Syrian Army is finally getting the help it needs. (Photo Credit: Elizabeth Arrott)

Russia also refuses to ignore other militant groups destabilising Syria and has now annihilated a command-and-control center of Jabhat al Nusra, Syria’s al Qaeda affiliate, in Saraqib. They are also working with the Syrian army to destroy Jaysh al Fateh, another militant group, in Idlib.

In our aforementioned report from earlier in the week we also heard of desertion becoming a problem in the ranks of ISIS, now the same can be said for the not-so-moderate Free Syrian Army. After the immense success of Russia’s air campaign, over 450 FSA fighters turned themselves over to Syrian authorities in Dara’a; along with 250 others who were wanted for various reasons.

Moreover, 3000 more terrorist fighters are now reported to have abandoned the country since Russian strikes began one week ago. A Russian military source told RIA “At least 3,000 militants from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), al-Nusra and Jaish al-Yarmouk have fled to Jordan. They are afraid of the Syrian army having stepped up activities on all fronts and of Russian airstrikes“. Let us not forget that Jordan is the country that played host to Western camps that trained those terrorists to be sent into Syria in the first place, which makes this development almost a terrorist’s homecoming.

If these fact were not enough to cause huge embarrassment for the West, who was supposedly ‘fighting ISIS‘ for over a year, an Iraqi official has now said it wants Russia to have a bigger role in solving their issues than America. Hakim al-Zamili, the chairman of Iraq’s defence committee, said “we are seeking to see Russia having a bigger role in Iraq… Yes, definitely a bigger role than the Americans“, primarily due to “their success in Syria“.

If Russia’s airstrikes have achieved this much progress in just one week, what exactly was the West doing with their attacks for an entire year?

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