
Saturday 29 August 2015

Meet the Slave Masters... The Sabbatean movement 17th Century Turkey

The Sabbatean Sabotage of Humanity

by Zen Gardner

Sabbatean refers to a certain Kabbalist lineage dating back to Shabbatai Tzvi who ran with the twisted occult teachings of a denizen of the deep satanic occultist named Isaac Luria. Shabbatai later gained massive power and notoriety and eventually proclaimed himself the messiah du jour. His subsequent influence is very alive today in the many forms into which it has since morphed.

The psychopathic nature of this aggressive swarm not only has no conscience nor empathy, but is supported and justified by a plethora of perverted Luciferian precepts that defy comprehension to the average human. This is what fuels their despotic fires and draws in carefully selected subhuman psychotic accomplices from all quarters. All is permitted and justified, and those who believe in empathy and any sense of good or conscience are dismissed as dumb sheep that deserve to be manipulated, abused and handily slaughtered.

Shabbetai Tzvi, The Satanic Jewish Messiah of 1666

Published on Jan 11, 2015

February 8 and 9, 2006, Daryl Bradford Smith with Muhammad Rafeeq on Sabbatai Sevi (Shabbetai Tzvi or Sabetha Sebi, etc), the Jewish Messiah of 1666. Sabbatai, descendant of King David, had over one million Jewish followers. According to Sabbateanism-researcher Clifford Shack, the Rothschilds are descendants of Sabbatai. Another descendant of Sabbatai was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, first President of Turkey.

See the playlist Sabbatai Sevi, Jacob Frank and the Sabbatean-Frankists (Rothschild &Co.), the satanic cult that rules the world

Much on Shabbetai Tzvi and his followers in Clifford Shack's 1001 p. free e-book "The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed"

More on the Sabbatean-Frankists in Christopher Jon Bjerknes' over 2800 p. free e-book "The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein; The Propaganda of Supremacy".

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