
Monday 20 July 2015

Alisa and Gabriel OPEN COURT HEARING, LONDON RCJ at 9:30am. Protest.

Hi. OK... It's time to get this post out. OPEN FAMILY COURT CASE at RCJ, London THIS THURSDAY July 23, 2015. Get to the RCJ if you can - by 9:30am. Protest outside the court. More from Ella in this radio interview. Please spread this information far and wide. Thanks.

HAMPSTEAD COVER UP: The Sexual Revolution & Its Connection To Death Cult & UK Government

Published on Jul 6, 2015
HAMPSTEAD COVER UP: The Sexual Revolution & Its Connection To Death Cult & UK Government .... FULL NOTES HERE ....

~~EXCLUSIVE interview with the mother of the Hampstead whistleblowers, Ella Gareeva & her partner, Abraham Christie~~

The Sexual Revolution, Social Services & The Child Snatching Industry! .... PART 1 (part 2 on thursday 9th July 2015)

Tune in live now and join Team KBS as they welcome Ella & Abraham to the show to talk about the satanic cult which they find themselves at the centre of. We will look at how this is one case of many and is the result of a system that has been put into place over last five decades… This is one show you do not want to miss!

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Kev Baker has been on the front lines since 2009. Hailing from Glasgow, Scotland, Kev was recently featured in VICE magazine as a front-line consultant and expert on activist groups in the United Kingdom. You can listen to Kev Baker on AM/FM in Colorado, Oregan, California, Sydney and London or tune into any of the TFR internet streams or listening options.

Kev Baker has set his mark as a professional broadcaster by featuring cutting edge analysis, current events and breaking news. However he does not stop there! Together with his co-hosts Johnny Whistles and Martin Hardy, Kev is joined by a great panel of expert researchers and whistleblowers in the field of space technology, metaphysics, human origins, black operations and international terrorism.

Seeking the answers to age old questions and dechipering the world around you painted by the mainstream media.. this is the Kev Baker Show!

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Time markers on this video-

5:00 There is an appeal coming up on Thursday 23 July.
GET TO THE Royal Courts of Justice if you can. 9:30am

6:00 The children's location is unknown.

12:00 The children are on their third foster family. They are going under some therapy with psychiatrists.

14:00 There is an oral hearing of Ella's appeal on 23 July in the Royal Courts of Justice as 9:30am Ella thinks. It's an open hearing, open to the public. For anyone who's concerned about what's happening to Alisa and Gabriel, please go along. Ella asks that there be something of a protest with supporters going into court.

Bron: May I advise... Do your protest OUTSIDE the court. Be QUIET inside the court, otherwise you will be TURNED OUT by the judge, and you won't hear what is being decided !!

We had this very circumstance happen here in NZ for a VERY SIGNIFICANT court case in 2013. In the end, the gallery was cleared by the court staff, and the INFORMATION we so DESPARATELY needed to hear, was NOT HEARD.


- Only OUTSIDE !!

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