
Friday 12 June 2015

SAVE "CAMPBELL LIVE" (AGAIN) !!! June 12, 2015

Yes... !!!!  We are saving John Campbell AGAIN !!!

I just received this email today...


Laura - ActionStation

1:54 PM (5 hours ago)
to me
Yes, you read that subject line correctly Bronwyn, we might have a second chance to #SaveCampbellLive.

Following the ratings crash at TV3, Jay Wintrob the CEO of Oaktree Capital (the company poised to take 100% ownership of MediaWorks) and Jonas Mitzschke (also of Oaktree Capital) are in New Zealand to find out what has been going on at MediaWorks New Zealand. They'll be making a review of the decisions that have led to this steady decline in ratings for their network. [1] [2]

This could be our chance to bring back Campbell LiveWill you take 2 minutes to send a quick email to these US bosses asking them to consider bringing back our favourite show?

Together we can show them that if they are serious about saving the network they need to bring back John Campbell andCampbell Live. Some people have asked, would John and his team really want to go back to the channel that has treated them so poorly? We can't speak for John Campbell or his team, but we have spoken to some of them to ensure this isn't a terrible idea. In fact, we think if there was a big enough shake up at TV3, they may well be happy to return. Wouldn't that be bloody marvellous?

Let's stand together once again and show our commitment to quality, public interest, investigative journalism for the people of NZ.

We’ve made it really easy for you to do.

With hope and determination,
Laura, Marianne, Ryan and Nina.

~ References ~
  1. ‘Ratings 7pm post-Campbell Live’, Throng Website
  2. ‘US fun poised to take 100pc of MediaWorks’ NZ Herald Business.

Here's the letter pre-written on the form (on the link) to those drips who CANNED Campbell Live.  I guess they pre-wrote a letter to help stop people like me from SWEARING at them.  Fair enough too!

ATTN: Jay Wintrob & Jonas Mitzschke of Oaktree Capital
cc: Julie Christie & Mark Weldon of MediaWorks NZ

I am writing to you today as a long-standing supporter and committed viewer of the TV3 show Campbell Live -- a show that was the highlight of TV3 for me, until the MediaWorks NZ network very recently cancelled it.

I am one of the 90,000 + people who signed a petition to save the Campbell Live show. I am also aware that more than 17,000 emails were sent to MediaWorks offices from people all around the country urging for the show to be saved, as well as rallies and demonstrations in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin and Wellington. I have never seen such commitment and perseverance  from Kiwis over a TV show before.

I am also aware that for the few weeks that the show was "under review" it was consistently ranked in the highest rating shows across all of the networks culminating in a viewership of more than 500,000 people for the "final" episode.

Campbell Live has a loyal and committed community and following. I know that there have been active boycotts of the TV3 station as a continued protest against the decision to can the show.

I write to you today to strongly urge you to reconsider that decision and to bring back Campbell Live and John Campbell. I am of the opinion it is the only thing that will save your network and regain the support of your fanbase and viewership at this critical time.

Thank you for your consideration.

A loyal Campbell Live supporter, and fan of public interest, public good journalism for NZ.

[good letter]



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