
Friday 29 May 2015

Newsletter #1: Waiora o te Puti - Kawhia Aotearoa. May 30, 2015

Thank you for following developments at "Waiora o te Puti"

We appreciate you following how we're progressing... Please tell us if you can help us with any of our projects, or if you have ideas you can add to ours. Many thanks. This project belongs to all of us. We walk forward together.

Members of "Waiora o te Puti" are engaged with inside jobs currently as we head into a Southern Hemisphere winter. Bron is working on setting up our website, Maree is continuing work on extensive proposals that clarifies our direction and purpose, Cj is enthusiastically forging ahead with finding new technologies and equipment which will be functional and useful.

All of these elements (and more) are essential pieces of the puzzle to get our community running really well. All efforts and intention in every corner of the globe is noticed, felt, and welcomed, to help make manifest our new community in Kawhia Aotearoa. Thank you to everyone... in whichever ways you are participating with us to co-create and give birth to this dream.

Our request currently is that anyone reading this notification share our website to one or two of your Friends or Facebook groups each day. Leave a comment below to let us know you are working with us to help let people know about this initiative. Please remember us, and prepare your friends for the future by letting them see the ways in which the world is so dramatically changing. There ARE ways to get out of the Slave Market. We forge the way ahead simply by DOing it... In co-operation and visualisation with you all, we ALL co-create this future, together.

Thank you all. Much appreciation.
Arohanui <3

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See this Newsletter on our WEBSITE !!

Money is not part of natural evolution -

Michael Tellinger at Breakthrough Energy Conference

Excerpt from Michael Tellinger's presentation at BEM 2012.


  1. Hi there. Here is the link to this Newsletter #1 on the Wix "Shout out" page. This is the version that got sent out via emails. Please Copy-paste into your browser. It should work :) And please remember to Subscribe to our Mailing List to make sure you get our future updates. Love to all xx

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