
Saturday 18 April 2015

Has the Energy on the Planet shifted? What do you think?

Is it just me... ??? Or has Facebook just gone deathly quiet for the last two days? What storm is going to break? The Energy has shifted.

I really noticed it yesterday. Today is the same. It feels like "tranquility in status". Everything is quiet and still... and on the eve of Awakening. That's how it feels to me...

Peace upon all Beings xx

This is a Facebook conversation I just had with people from around the world...

Anon 1:  Brilliant image.

Anon 2:  noticed
BronnyNZ:  Ok... You too ?? Interesting... Thank you for replying xx

Anon 3:  Yes I felt it too.
BronnyNZ:  Ok... You too ?? Interesting... Thank you for replying xx

Anon 4:  I notice it too. Too quiet. Perhaps it's the calm before the storm.
BronnyNZ:  Ok... You too ?? Interesting... Thank you for replying xx

Anon 2:  love the light language in your image
BronnyNZ: Thanks Anon 2. It was in my Arcturian image file You know i'm in contact with the Arcturian collective... ?? and I highly suspect everyone who's feeling this to be in contact with their star family collectives, also.

BronnyNZ:  I'm just wondering what it means... ??? I have no energy or desire to be in the darkness. I've been tracking the Paedophile story now since February 11. And yesterday or the day before, it all STOPPED. This is very odd. I no longer feel I want to be chasing it. Maybe we've done enough to create a Critical Mass AWAKENING of the illusory nature of this world ?? The next movement will be The People TAKING CHARGE of the darkness... not just trying to EXPOSE it. We've exposed it. The sun just came out in full Shine where I Am in NZ. It tells me "Yes". The light is Shining on all Darkness. The People have woken up. We are at or on Critical Mass. Wow... ??? What's going to happen next?

BronnyNZ:  Yes. It feels like the calm before the storm for me as well Anon 4. But not of a "negative" kind. Has the Energy on the Planet shifted? What do you think?

Please feel free to reply in Comments below...

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